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Babidge, Sally
Badaró, Máximo
Baker, Lee D., Duke University (United States)
Balandier, Georges
Ball, Christopher, Notre Dame University (United States)
Ballard, Chris, The Australian National University
Ballinger, Pamela
Balzani, Marzia
Bangstad, Sindre, KIFO (Institute for Church, Religion, and Worldview Research)
Bärnreuther, Sandra, University of Zurich
Barraud, Cécile, CASE- CNRS- EHESS (France)
Barth, Theodor
Bartole, Tomi
Bashkow, Ira, University of Virginia (United States)
Bautista, Julius
Begim, Ainur
Beisel, Uli, University of Bayreuth (Germany)
Bell, Kirsten, University of British Columbia
Benton, Adia, Northwestern University
Benussi, Matteo (Teo)
Berger, Peter, Assistant Professor of Indian Religions and the Anthropology of Religion Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies University of Groningen, the Netherlands (Netherlands)
Berliner, David
Berliner, David, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Bernal, Sergio O. Valdés
Bernardina, Sergio Dalla
Bernstein, Anya
Berthomé, François, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (France)
Besky, Sarah
Besnier, Niko, University of Amsterdam
Bialecki, Jon, University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
Biehl, João, Princeton University
Bilici, Mucahit
Billaud, Julie, University of Sussex (United Kingdom)
Bin, Muhammad Ahmed
BINDER, Stefan
Bingzhong, Gao
Birberick, Brittany
BIRCHOK, Daniel Andrew
Biruk, Cal
Bishara, Amahl
Bishara, Amahl Alexis, Tufts University (United States)
Blacksin, Isaac
Blackwell, Alan F., University of Cambridge
Blanes, Ruy Llera, University of Bergen (Norway)
Blanes, Ruy, University of Bergen
Blaser, Mario, Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada)
Bloch, Maurice, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Bloch, Maurice, London School of Economica
Bloch, Maurice, London School of Economics

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