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Scott, James C.
Scott, Michael W., London School of Economics and Political Science (United Kingdom)
Sebag, Lucien (United States)
Seeger, Anthony
Segal, Lotte Buch
Selim, Nasima, University of Amsterdam, Bijltjespad 80B, 1018 KJ, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (United States)
Sethi, Aarti
Severi, Carlo
Severi, Carlo, EHESS (France)
Severi, Carlo, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (France)
Severi, Carlo, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Shah, Alpa, London School of Economics and Political Science
Shambuyi, Arthur Cimwanga Badibanga
Sharma, Malvika
Shipley, Jesse Weaver
Shneiderman, Sara
Shore, Cris, The University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Shryock, Andrew, University of Michigan
Shweder, Richard A. (United States)
Shweder, Richard, University of Chicago
Shweder, Richard A.
Sidnell, Jack
Silva, Sónia, Skidmore College (United States)
Silverstein, Michael, University of Chicago (United States)
Simone, AbdouMaliq, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity
Simpson, Audra
Simpson, Bob, Durham University
Singh, Bhrigupati, Brown University (United States)
Sinha, Vineeta
Sleeboom-Faulkner, Margaret, University of Sussex
Slotta, James
Smart, Alan
Smith, James H., University of California, Davis (United States)
Smith, Terry, University of Pittsburgh
Solway, Jacqueline, Trent University (Canada)
Sopranzetti, Claudio, University of Oxford
Sopranzetti, Claudio
Sprenger, Guido
Springwood, Charles Fruehling, Illinois Wesleyan University
Spronk, Rachel
Srivastava, Sanjay
Stafford, Charles, London School of Economics (United Kingdom)
Stamatopoulou-Robbins, Sophia
Stambach, Amy Elizabeth
Stasch, Rupert, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Stasch, Rupert
Stavrianakis, Anthony, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, CERMES3 (France)
Stavrianakis, Anthony, CNRS (France)
Steenberg, Rune
Stépanoff, Charles, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale

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