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Grose, Timothy A.
Grossman, Alyssa
Guerreiro, Antonio, Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil (Brazil)
Guinness, Daniel, Department of Anthropology, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Gumwemwata, Justin
Gupta, Akhil, University of California, Los Angeles (United States)
Gupta, Akhil, University of California, Los Angeles
Gusterson, Hugh, George Washington University
Guyer, Jane I., Johns Hopkins University
Guyer, Jane I., Johns Hopkins University (United States)
Guzmán-Gallegos, María Antonieta


Haeri, Niloofar, Johns Hopkins University (United States)
Hage, Ghassan
Hagström, John, University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
Hall, Kira
Hall, Kira, University of Colorado Boulder (United States)
Hamann, Byron Ellsworth, Ohio State University (United States)
Hamayon, Roberte
Hamberger, Klaus, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Sociale (France)
Hammoudi, Abdellah
Hampel, Amir
Han, Clara, Johns Hopkins University
Handler, Richard, University of Virginia
Handler, Richard, University of Virginia (United States)
Handman, Courtney, University of Texas at Austin (United States)
Hanks, William F., University of California, Berkeley (United States)
Hanks, William
Hann, Chris
Hann, Chris, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (Germany)
Harkness, Nicholas (United States)
Harms, Erik, Yale University (United States)
Harms, Erik
Harris, Rachel
Hart, Keith
Hart, Keith, London School of Economics and University of Pretoria
Hartmann, Ida
Hashemi, Morteza
Haug, Jordan, University of California, San Diego (United States)
Haugerud, Angelique, Rutgers University
He, Xiao
Hebbar, Ritambhara
Hefner, Claire-Marie
Helmreich, Stefan
Helmreich, Stefan, MIT Anthropology
Hendrickson, Carol
Henig, David, University of Kent
Henry, Frederick
Henry, Rosita, James Cook University
Hertz, Robert
Hertzman, Emily Zoe

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